Reading Group
1. Angelucci, Manuela, Giacomo De Giorgi, Rangel, Marcos A. Rangel, and Imran Rasul. 2010. "Family Networks and School Enrollment: Evidence from a Randomized Social Experiment," Journal of Public Economics 94(3): 197-221.
Reading Leader: Shu Cai
Words from Reading Leader: This is the only empirical paper I know focusing on investigating the heterogeneous (treatment) effect.
2. Doepke Matthias, Fabrizio Zilibotti. 2007. "Occupational Choice and the Spirit of Capitalism," The Quarterly Journal of Economics 123(2): 747-793.
Reading Leader: Jiaying Chen
Words from Reading Leader: We usually take time preference as given. But actually time preference can be formed and is an important cultural factor in deciding other outcomes at both individual and national level. This paper reexamined the wealth redistribution during the British Industrial Revolution.
3. Bai, Ying, and Ruixue Jia. 2016. "Elite Recruitment and Political Stability: The Impact of the Abolition of China’s Civil Service Exam," Econometrica 84(2): 677-733.
Reading Leader: Xiaoyue Shan
Words from Reading Leader: We all know this, right? A newly published empirical work. We may analyses together what makes it outstanding.
4. Charles, Kerwin Kofi, Erik Hurst, and Matthew J. Notowidigdo. 2015. "Housing Booms and Busts, Labor Market Opportunities, and College Attendance," working paper.
Reading Leader: Xianqiang Zou
5. Blundell, Richard, Luigi Pistaferri, and Itay Saporta-Eksten. 2016. "Consumption Inequality and Family Labor Supply," American Economic Review 106(2): 387-435.
Reading Leader: Shu Cai
Words from Reading Leader: Blundell and Pistaferri are the two most influential scholar in study of consumption. This newly published paper (with 4+ years edition) investigates several important channels of consumption smoothing for wage shocks, which combines both theory and empirical analysis.
6. Fehr, Ernst, Holger Herz, and Tom Wilkening. 2013. "The Lure of Authority: Motivation and Incentive Effects of Power," American Economic Review, 103(4): 1325-1359.
Reading Leader: Xiaoyue Shan
Words from Reading Leader: A rigorous paper nicely combines solid experimental analysis with the support of theoretical model.